“It was very hard to convince the world that the situation was bad enough to pay attention. A film like this one is so important as it allows us to reach different audiences.”
- Tamara Tarciuk-Broner, Acting Americas Deputy Director Human Rights Watch
“A La Calle captures the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis and the erosion of democracy in Venezuela, which doesn’t get near enough attention in the media. The storytelling is so powerful that even though I knew the tragic outcome at the various hopeful junctures, my heart broke all over again. The filmmakers put a human face on the Venezuela tragedy."
- Rebecca Bill Chavez, Ph.D, Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs
"A heart-rending portrayal of the courage and perseverance of everyday Venezuelans. A must-see film!"
- Paul J. Angelo, Phd, Fellow for Latin America Studies, David Rockefeller Studies Program, Council on Foreign Relations
“A courageous and beautiful film, which poignantly weaves together the stories of struggling everyday Venezuelans with a man leading a political movement from behind bars. The hope and the hunger of a people whose nation sits under the rubble of a dismantled democracy will break your heart.”
- Marcia Biggs, Special Correspondent PBS NewsHour, Member Council on Foreign Relations